Dr. Wolfgang Jacobsen
born 1940 in Lübeck (Germany; Schleswig-Holstein)
1956 - 1958 ; 1960 - 1961 Study of physical techniques at the Physikalisch-Technischen Lehranstalt in Lübeck-Schlutup
1958 diploma of Technical Assistent in Physics
1958-1960 Laboratory staff at the Badische Anilin und Soda Fabrik (BASF) in Ludwigshafen (Germany): investigation of polymer morphology by small angle and wide angle x-ray diffraction.
1961 diploma of Engineer in Physics
1961-1966 Laboratory staff at the Bayer AG in Leverkusen (Germany): design and manufactoring of electronical measuring equipment and data acquisition systems.
1966 - 1970 Study of physics at the University of Karlsruhe (Germany)
1970 Diploma in physics
1975 Ph.D. in physics
1970-1975 Assistent professor at the Institut of Mathematical Physics at the University of Karlsruhe
1975-1999 Research physicist at the Bayer AG Leverkusen:
quality control of photographic films and papers.
Staff (partially project manager) of the following research projects: evaporated magnetical storages - polymers for dental applications (compensation of amalgam) - high performance polymer composites - polymer powder processing technology - polymer optical fibres - electrochomic displays.
1970 married with Edith Benninghaus
Volker Jacobsen, born in 1974
Kerstin Jacobsen, born in 1977
1999 retired
Private activities:
Wind surfing, sailing
Basketball (finished since a couple of years),
Tennis (only since a couple of years)
Carnival in Cologne (still every year)
Practising music (piano, keyboard, singing in a chorus)
Little workman jobs in house and garden