If you want to hear or download some parts of my monograph as MP3 audio files please click on the bold title. Parts with a normal title are not yet accessible as audio files.
From book no. 2 The way of thinking specific to a physicist:
2.2 Laws and models 16,6 MB
2.7.2 The good practise of publishing and patenting 33,5 MB
From book no.3 Mechanics:
3.2.7 The cause of motion 42,4 MB
From book no 7 Quantum Mechanics:
7.3 The basic structure of quantum mechanics 74,4 MB
From book no 8 Thermodynamics
8.7.8 The balance of radiation of the planets / Greenhouse effect 53,0 MB
8.8.7 A Hypotheses for explaining global climate 80,6 MB
From book no. 11 Optics:
11.13.4 The optical design of the eye (*) 36,6 MB
11.15.11 Instrumental separation fo fluorescence and Raman scattering 26,2 MB
From book no. 12 Materials Science :
12.7 The multiphase concept of raw materials 47,3 MB
From book no 13 Electronics:
14.1.3 Passive quadripoles 49,3 MB